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Unilin Technologies enters into licensing contract with Swiss Krono on digital printing for laminate flooring


Unilin Technologies, the IP and technology division of Mohawk Industries, is pleased to announce the signing of the digital printing licensing contract with Swiss Krono, a leading global manufacturer of innovative flooring solutions. The agreement grants Swiss Krono access to Unilin Technologies' comprehensive digital printing patent portfolio for its past and future roll-to-roll digital printing activities.

Unilin licenses Unicoat waterproof technology to Camsan Ordu


Unilin Technologies, the IP and technology division of Mohawk Industries, is pleased to announce the signing of the licensing agreement with Camsan Ordu, a prominent manufacturer in the board industry that will start the production of laminate flooring. The agreement grants Camsan Ordu access to Unilin’s Unicoat water-repellent coating technology for laminate flooring.

Unilin Technologies and PREWI partner up for revolutionary quality control device for click profiles called ClickControl


Unilin Technologies, the IP and technology division of Mohawk Industries, has announced a partnership agreement with PREWI, a renowned manufacturer of quality measuring equipment and tooling systems for the wood-based material processing sector. With this partnership, Unilin and PREWI will provide the technology, software and machinery for a quality control system that ensures the highest level of precision in the manufacturing process of click profiles.

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Unilin takes proactive measures against Vilox to protect licensed partners


Unilin Technologies, a global leader in flooring innovation, has filed a complaint in the East Texas District court on January 24 against Vilox, Amy Group and East Texas Floors. The legal action was taken to address the alleged infringement of several claims of multiple US patents within Unilin’s extensive SPC patent portfolio.

“We firmly believe that SPC products with a Vilox locking technology are covered by our SPC patent portfolio,” states Bart Van der Stockt, President of Unilin Technologies. “Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that Vilox representatives are providing a different narrative to the market. Consequently, we find it necessary to take decisive action against them and the companies doing business in such products, in order to protect the interests of our licensed partners.”

Unilin’s SPC/LVT patent portfolio currently contains 120 granted US patents and 45 US patent applications, protecting different technological aspects integral to the success of SPC technology. These patented innovations include, for example, the extrusion and lamination process during manufacturing, density and rigidity parameters of the core boards, different locking systems, foaming technology, and more.

The Texas district court case follows Unilin’s successful 2019 International Trade Commission (ITC) case, which resulted in obtaining a General Exclusion Order based on three of the 120 above-mentioned patents in the portfolio. Unilin’s decision to file the new Texas case is based on two other US patents of the extensive portfolio that were thus not included in the 2019 ITC case. Unilin also continues to evaluate other infringements and expects to bring additional infringement claims in the coming weeks or months.

“We remain dedicated to creating a fair and competitive market environment while protecting the investments and interests of our licensees and their customers,” added Van der Stockt. “The legal action will contribute to maintaining a level playing field in the industry and ensuring that innovative technologies continue to thrive for the benefit of all stakeholders.”

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